Amusement Parks in Melbourne, Vic
There is 1 amusement park found in Melbourne, Vic. This is 3% of all the tourist places listed in this city. You may find a list of all categories of Melbourne attractions on this page to choose from.
Melbourne Map with Amusement Parks
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List of Melbourne Amusement Parks
There is only one amusement park listed in Melbourne. Click on the amusement park name bellow to find detailed information on it.
Other Amusement Parks
The following amusement parks are found outside Melbourne. They are sorted from nearest to farthest distance from Melbourne.
1.4 Miles101 Waterfront Way, Docklands, Vic - 3008
3.8 Miles18 Lower Esplanade, Saint Kilda, Vic - 3182
18.9 MilesNewmarket Road, Werribee, Vic - 3030
21.9 Miles2365 Plenty Road, Whittlesea, Vic - 3757
27.3 Miles20-28 Monbulk-Seville Road, Seville, Vic - 3139
36.6 Miles1249 Bellarine Highway, Geelong, Vic - 3222
37.6 Miles55 Purves Road, Arthurs Seat, Vic - 3936
38 Miles2-4 Moa Street, Norlane, Vic - 3214
57.5 Miles121 Forbes Road, Leigh Creek, Vic - 3352
81.7 Miles293-303 High Street, Bendigo, Vic - 3555
Find in Melbourne
We also have tourist attractions in Melbourne in the following categories. Please click on a category to find all Melbourne attractions of that type.
- Museums (24)
- Nature Attractions (5)
- Landmarks (7)
- Zoo (1)
- All Attractions (37)
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